Email marketing is a highly productive means of promoting the products and services that you offer within the scope of your business. In addition to this, it is a wonderful way to incentivize loyalty among your customers. You have the ability to keep individuals on your email list in the loop on the latest and greatest products, discounts, specials, and other services. It serves as a soft sell to educate your email subscribers and keep the individuals engaged in-between purchases. In this guide, will learn about the most popular forms of email marketing that really reach your target audience.

What is Email Marketing?
Email marketing is the act of creating and sending targeted messages and various types of promotional content to your current customers, new customers, and those that may – one day – become your customers. This digital marketing strategy allows you to communicate directly with your target audience. In turn, this cultivates strong relationships, aids in the process of nurturing leads, and increases sales.
Popular Types of Email Marketing
There are multiple types of email marketing that you may engage in. The following outlines the types that really reach your audience and make a difference in your conversions:
1. New Content Alert
The new content alert is one of the most popular forms of email marketing. This one is not all about “the sale”. Instead, it provides your target audience with information pertaining to new content related to your business.
This could be a new blog post, a new guide, a coupon, the addition of an eBook, a webinar that you have created, a new service you provide, and even a new product that has hit your store.
It is brief, accurately describes the value of the new content, and uses a clear call-to-action link with actionable language.
2. The Digital Newsletter or Magazine
In general, consumers love to receive free stuff. It is easy to give them what they love with an email marketing campaign that provides a digital-based newsletter or a magazine. You may curate content and put together a weekly or monthly digital product that may be mailed directly to those on your subscription list.
Be certain that your newsletter email includes attractive visual elements and enticing headlines that draw a reader in and really pop! And remember to include an obvious call to action so that your readers will take the next step!
3. The Awareness Email
It is essential that your target audience view you and your business as an “expert” in your given field or niche. This is where awareness emails come into play. In short, you create an email that educates your target audience on topics that are most relevant to them.
You may use this type of email to help your audience solve problems that they experience. The more educational awareness emails that your audience receives, the more they will come to see your brand as reputable and respected. Remember, it is all about giving. If you give to your target audience, you will reap numerous rewards. More specifically, rewards in loyalty and sales!
4. The Survey Email
People love to be “heard”. Survey emails allow your customers and prospects to provide input. These are effective data collection methods that may be utilized to collect quantitative-based information from customers. You may embed questions directly into the body of the email to ensure convenience for recipients. These types of emails will allow you to glean a massive amount of information in the shortest amount of time.
Be sure to offer your customers something in return, though. For example, if they successfully complete the survey, award them with a 10% off coupon code! In this way, you are guaranteed responses AND sales!
5. The Milestone Email
Did you know that customers LOVE personal recognition? One of the best email marketing campaigns that will reach your customers is a milestone email. This helps to show your customer that you appreciate them.
Milestone emails may be sent for a regular holiday, the anniversary of their interaction with your business, or even for their birthday!
If you send out a milestone email, be certain to include personalized discount codes and other incentives. This will help to generate engagement for your company and will keep your brand at the forefront of your subscriber’s minds.
6. The Abandoned Cart Email
Believe it or not, the abandoned cart email is a wonderful email marketing campaign.
If a customer starts to put items in their cart and then leaves, you can instantly draw them back by reminding them that they have yet to checkout.
You do not want to be pushy with the sales, though, on this type of email. You simply want to encourage the individual to return to complete their purchase. You may even add a bit of creativity to the process by offering them a 10% off discount code that they may use within the next 24 hours. Not only will this have them running back to your site, but the savings that they receive may actually result in their buying MORE from you!
7. The Social Media Connection Email
Social media platforms are extremely popular among most of today’s internet users. The first type of email that you may use in this campaign is the invitation for the consumer to “Like” you or otherwise connect with you on a specific social media platform.
Next, you may encourage the recipient to post pictures of a product they purchased from you on Facebook or pin pictures of the unpacking or use of the product on Pinterest. The possibilities of the social media connection email marketing campaign are virtually infinite!
8. The Thank You Email
This type of email marketing campaign is often identified as the “Form Submission Kickback”.
The thank you email is sent as a follow-up to a consumer, a prospect, or another type of person completing a form that you have included on one of the landing pages of your website.
This will show the recipient that you took notice of their action, you are storing the information of their transaction, and that you acknowledge them. If they signed up for a file, be sure to include a copy of that file in the email. Before you know it, the recipient will be back on your website, looking for more!

The Execution
Now that you are familiar with the 8 most popular types of email marketing campaigns that really reach your audience, it is time for the execution of your campaign. First, be certain you identify a goal for the campaign. Then, you should understand exactly who you are emailing. Construct targeted lists and identify the requirements of each list. Make a determination of how long you want the campaign to run. Then, create the emails, plan them out, make certain to include catchy headlines, and follow the plan!
Contact Us Today
We here at Brick Road Media know and understand the importance of a solid email marketing campaign for your website and your business. If you would like assistance with this endeavor, we are glad to help! We offer a large assortment of services and products that are sure to ensure the overall success of your online business. It does not matter if you need a website built, a website redesign, assistance in creating content for your website, or all of the previously mentioned, we house a team of professionals that will work together to ensure that you achieve the overall success that you desire! Contact us today to learn more!