Intuitive Marketing

a common sense approach to business growth…

internet traffic icons

It’s 2017

You’d think you’d be getting more customers from the web by now

The web keeps changing and it’s so hard to keep up.

Google Algorithms. Social Media. Mobile Accessibility. You’d have to be a tech nerd to stay on top of it and compete online. Good thing we are. We love to geek out over data and crunch numbers. But we are much more than that. Marketing online must make common sense. Numbers don’t lie, but in the end we all have to remember, we’re communicating with people.

Intuitive Marketing for your Brand or Product.

It’s simple, actually. We find the signals and triggers that move people to action. These actions are normally driven by emotion. Tap into how people feel and you’ve got some good marketing.

By learning your mission, and knowing your customer, we can help you find the right message. This helps attract the people who know, deep down in their bones, that your offer can add value to their life. Imagine THOSE people as your biggest fans.

Think about it for a minute. How do you want your service or product to make people feel? That’s your message… and it can drive your marketing in a way that makes real change in their lives.




Take some time to think of the best possible scenario for your business. What do you want your business to BE for people? How do you want it to make a difference? WHY do you feel it’s important? (Why is an important, driving question while evisioning products and services for your business.) Can you see it?

Creating a vision is just that – seeing clearly the highest possible good your business can bring to others, and to itself.

Many great CEO’s didn’t have a plan, they had a vision. It kept them solid on their path, guiding employees along the way.

It’s time to get creative and think big. Take a moment to write out the vision of how you see your company in 5 to 10 years. Catching a glimpse into the future can inspire you and your team to big things.




Your website is your tool to spread your message, sell a product, detail your services, gather leads and so much more.

First and foremost, you need a great website. Studies show that professional looking websites build trust. We can help you with that, after all, we are tech nerds.

Think about the biggest goal you’d like your business to accomplish. Can it be performed or converted to an online platform?

Oprah Winfrey used television as her platform.

“We all have a platform from which we may influence the world.

Maybe it’s 20 people, maybe it’s 30 people… your family, your friends, your neighbors… Wherever you are, that is your platform. That is where your power lies. In every way, you are showing people exactly who you are, letting your life speak for you. And when you do that, you will receive in direct proportion to how you give in whatever platform you have.~ Oprah


The functions of a successful website are many. Really. The sky’s the limit. You can spread a message through branding, sell a product with ecommerce, gather leads for your service, teach by offering valuable free or paid content, or any other thing you’d like to do online.

Best Coloring Pages utilizes their fun website as a platform to share coloring pages for free. The nature of the message, Coloring can be a part of learning. We optimized a posting schedule for best results, then we worked the social platforms to find which audience is willing to receive the message.

All Pest Exterminators is a local business whose message is simple. Be comfortable in your home, pest free. We worked the local listing channels to make sure the company shows up strong when people in their service area need to find them. Call tracking helps us know we’re doing a good job.




With all the right elements in place, the groundwork is set. Your platform is ready. This is where many companies stop. But now is the time to utilize that platform.

The internet is abundant with places to share a message. The goal is to find where your people hang out. The place that is most responsive to your message.

Here are some highly effective ways to share a message across the internet.

  • Video (youtube, vimeo)
  • Podcasts (itunes)
  • Forums (specific topics related to your niche)
  • Images and Infographics (instagram, pinterest)
  • Blog Content (facebook, google+)
  • Free and Paid Advertisements (craigslist, google & bing ads)

Hitting up social media and other outlets works in two ways. It reaches out to people in an intuitive way, and it builds a good link profile to show the search engines that you are important.

[ Client Example ] Deanna has a beautiful message for her tutoring students. You have support. She uses her website to brand her company and discuss that message. She then reaches out to youtube weekly with her miracle minute series to spread her message. Each video discusses how her company helps her students. It gets the word out (intuitively) while we work in the back end on the data (keywords, linking back to the site, Title and Description SEO) Each video is then shared on google plus and facebook to build steam.

Don’t forget offline. Offline media is still a very viable way to share a message. Contrary to popular belief, people still read the newspaper. Just check their circulation. Getting involved in local community events is not only fun and helpful for others, but it can make people aware of your business and the good that you provide.


People love to discuss the great experiences they have… and the not so great. What are they saying about you? Does this match your vision of how you wanted to make people feel? The internet tells all. Look on Google, Yelp, Facebook. Is your feedback holding true to your vision? 

We measure response to your message with views, likes, shares and clicks. Then we crunch the data and focus on the places that find the most value in your message.

Reviews are so important these days. People now use them to choose their providers. If your people aren’t talking, give them a direct line to make it easier. Add a link on your website and remind them to leave a review in all of your communication.