If you own and/or operate a blog or website, it is imperative that you understand that mobile trends now play a large role in SEO success. One of the biggest trends, to date, is the introduction of voice-based search. Recently, consumers actually ranked this type of search over the traditional text-based search. While it is true that consumers are able to successfully conduct text searches and voice searches on their mobile devices, a study conducted by Usable Products Co. has determined that the newly-integrated voice search options are quickly gaining momentum among consumers. Now that the New Year is here, we here at Brick Road Media feel that it is essential that you are made aware of the various mobile trends. By reading this multi-part series, considering the trends outlined in this series, and allowing us to help you with your website and/or blog, you are sure to experience the SEO success that you desire in 2016!
The Study
When consumers were asked to participate in the study pertaining to voice search, most indicated that they felt as if it would be too difficult to use on their mobile devices and enthusiasm for the new search strategy was low. Once those same consumers experienced an hour’s worth of voice search activity, they were all highly enthusiastic. Once they discovered just how easy it was to use – compared to text search – they all expressed an interest in the continued use of the voice search feature.
Advertisement Ratings
Next, participants were asked about various types of advertisements on their mobile devices. It was discovered that 79% of all people in the study actually were in favor of mobile searches being supported by advertisements. An estimated 37% of the participants stated that visual-based banner advertisements enhanced their search experience. Unfortunately, text-based advertisements were rated as being extremely detrimental to the user experience.
Query Success
It is a known fact that people speak differently than they type. When queries were made in the voice search sessions, 88% were successful in submitting those search queries. Out of that total, only 53% of all of the participants were able to locate results that they considered to be relevant to their initial search queries. The response time between submitting the voice search query and the search engine responding with an answer averaged approximately 142-143 seconds.
Mobile voice search is on the rise. While it is still important to utilize keywords and keyword phrases in order to rank high in search engines, it is also important to ensure that you rank for words and phrases that people would say, naturally, to discover your content. Your content must be created in such a way that people are able to discover it quickly. Soon, no one will be standing around typing in words and phrases to discover items of interest. They will, instead, simply speak into their mobile devices. When outlining your SEO marketing plan, you must consider the rise of voice-based search. If you fail to do this, you will fail to rank. Additionally, it is imperative that you consider integrating visual-based advertisements and banner ads in your mobile marketing plan.