Our Work

Custom website development is our specialty.
Take a look at some of the things we’ve done to keep our clients happy.

Vandor Corporation Richmond IN

Vandor Corp

Vandor Corporation needed a new site that is effective at communicating their value to the world. And something their staff could easily edit themselves without learning to code. The result is a fast, eye-catching site that truly showcases Vandor’s place atop the funeral products and reels industries.

Pinecone Recycling Elkhart IN

Pinecone Recycling

Pinecone came to us looking for a website for their brand new recycling business. They were looking for a website to showcase their services and products while building their brand image. Together, we came up with a simple, attractive format that gets straight to the point.

Wayne County Foundation Richmond IN
Wayne County Foundation Website Design
Wayne County Foundation came to us with very specific requirements. It was important to stay on brand, and display their information in a well-organized fashion. We came up with a solution that the Foundation could easily maintain.
Reel Options Richmond IN
Reel Options before
Reel Options After
ReelOptions.com was a site in dire need of an update. The company needed a new site that is effective and something their staff could easily edit themselves without depending on a webmaster for everything. The result is a fast, eye-catching site that truly showcases Reel Options place atop the reels industry.
Civic Hall Performing Arts Center Richmond IN
Civic Hall Before
Civic Hall After

When Civic Hall chose us to help them update their website, we were thrilled and honored. They needed an entirely new website platform, something simple yet powerful enough to organize all of the tickets they sell. We were able to find all the right tools to make the website easy for visitors to use and also gorgeous and engaging. Just take a closer look…

Richmond Rose Garden Richmond IN
RichmondRoseGarden- After

Richmond Rose Garden needed a website as beautiful as their roses. They also needed something manageable. We rebuilt the site on a platform that showcases the garden and its events in a beautiful way AND is programmed for the client to update easily.

Birth to Five Richmond IN

Birth To Five needed a whole new look and much more functionality in their design. From non-profit donations to volunteer signups and more, we were able to provide the perfect interface.

AllPest Exterminating Richmond IN

richmond indiana website design
Allpest After

AllPest has evolved a lot through the years. We’re proud to say that Brick Road Media has had the honor of helping them stay current with their website needs for almost 10 years. The relationship we have with our customers is most important to us.

InConcert before
InConcert After

InConcert needed a visual upgrade with minimum maintenance. The owners were admittedly not very tech-savvy so showcasing their events had to be easy. We were able to deliver a beautiful new design while connecting their Eventbrite platform directly to the website without any extra effort. Now they only need to create the event once, and it’s done. Viola, half the work as their previous website.

Forward Wayne County Richmond IN
Forward Wayne County Before
FWC After

Forward Wayne County needed a more effective way to get its message across. They had quite a bit of information, data, and statistics about their programs. They also had tons of excellent results to share and were looking for an easily digestible way to display them. Through organization and simplification, we worked together to create something that makes the most impact.

United Way Richmond IN
United Way Before
UnitedWay After

The United Way is such a powerhouse in the community. Most of their work is only possible because of the generous donations from their supporters. They needed a way to showcase all of their good work, and serving information about their programs while keeping their donation mechanism in the forefront.

Pioneer Property Management Denver CO

Pioneer needed a high-end visual for their high-end clients. We were able to brand their new website and set it up for better conversions.

Back to Motion Denver CO

Back To Motion Before
Back To Motion After
Not only was BackToMotion’s website riddled with hacker spam and security holes, it desperately needed some branding. It’s so important to introduce Who you are and What you do, right away on your site.

Hardcore Electric Denver CO

Hardcore Electric Before
Hardcore Electric After
This client needed a modern website for a modern commercial electrician. So we equipped Hardcore Electric with the latest in design, programming, and security technology. We also brought the marketing front and center so the website can work for them.
Superior Equipment Elkhart IN
Superior Equipment Before Shot
Superior After
Superior came to us with an older website. It had good bones but needed a little more flair. It was a new decade and frankly, they needed a new look. So we created a more sleek and modern layout with all their great information.
Let’s Build Something Great Together

If You’re ready to get started on your new website, we’d love to chat.