We thank you for continuing our series, Improving the Quality and the Relevance of a Promotional Email Campaign Leads to Success.

Last week, you learned that a strong email campaign has the potential to result in massive levels of success for your online business. You learned that it is necessary to determine the purpose and intent of your promotional email campaign. You also learned that it is necessary to define the audience that you are attempting to target.

This week, we will outline the importance of choosing the type of message to fit your campaign.

Message Type

When creating a promotional email campaign, you should create and send messages that are relevant to the purpose and intent that you learned about in last week’s installment. For example, if you are targeting those that have signed up for your emails after purchasing a product and/or service from your business, you should send the audience a distinctly different message than the one that you send to those that you are attempting to encourage to purchase your products and/or services.

In most instances, subscribers may be described as informational seekers, seekers of specials and freebies, and confirmed buyers. The goal of each message you send is to promote by building trust; however, if you are sending messages to informational seekers, you should provide more information and less promotion.

If you are sending messages to seekers of specials and freebies, you should ensure that you offer more specials and freebies. If you are sending messages to confirmed buyers, you should promote more products and/or services.

Types of Email Campaigns

If you are attempting to improve the quality and relevance of your promotional email campaign, it is important to understand that there are, essentially, two main types of campaigns.

The first type are purely promotional. The second type is newsletters.

Newsletters may be sent out on a regular basis – such as daily, weekly, or monthly. Promotional emails, on the other hand, should be sent out less. You do not want to seem as if you are trying too hard to push a sale or promote your products. Instead, you should use promotional campaigns to help a potential customer know that you know the problems that they face and may aid them in overcoming those problems.

Newsletters are the types of emails that should be sent out if you are seeking to share information about your company, and other types of similar information.

While mobile devices are increasing in popularity and social media platforms are growing as the preferred method of communication among consumers, nearly 90% of all potential customers still prefer email. These individuals typically check their email several times daily.

In a world of rapidly-evolving innovative, email is a consistent. That is, most people still have, check, and use their email addresses regularly.

Technology forecasters and other experts expect this to remain the same for several years to come. Why not harness the power of email?

Contact us here at Brick Road Media today and let us help you
