May 23, 2014 | Digital Marketing
In case you missed yesterday’s webisode, you can listen to the replayHERE. Jeremy builds a sales funnel live in less than an hour for Jake Garber with Lifeline Pet Supplies. While divulging the tips and tricks, Jeremy is putting them into practice, giving a...
May 16, 2014 | Digital Marketing
In this webisode, Jeremy shows you how to build an effective and profitable sales funnel in just 45 minutes. Download the VISUALS HERE What are you marketing? (Product/Service) Who are you marketing to? Where do you find your potential customers? How do you GRAB their...
Dec 13, 2011 | Social Media
If you have served on any board of a not-for-profit I am certain you have looked like this guy here. N.F.P.’s can be the death of you if you are not careful. The key thing to remember is that you are still part of a business. Yeah, I said it, a business. Just...